Before using either or both substances:
- Know the signs of an overdose. If you’re going to use substances or be around people who do, you need to know how to spot the signs of an adverse reaction or overdose. Call 911 if you or someone has a high body temperature, fast or irregular heart rate, trouble breathing, extreme aggression or paranoia. Seizures and loss of consciousness are also possible.
- Test your drugs. You should always test your drugs to make sure what you’ve been given isn’t counterfeit or contaminated. Drug test kits can be purchased online and are often sold at music festivals.
- Start low, go slow. This is always good advice. Your risk of a bad trip or serious effects is increased at higher doses. Sticking to a low dose is key, especially if you’ve never candyflipped before. Make sure you give that low dose enough time to kick in before taking more.
- Have a trip sitter. A trip sitter is someone you trust — preferably a sober someone — who’ll look out for you while you’re partying. Ideally, they should know how to spot the signs of trouble in case things go south.
- Pick your environment. Since the effects can be unpredictable and hallucinations are a good possibility, you should be somewhere safe and familiar should you find yourself in trouble.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after to avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration. This will also make you less likely to consume a bunch of water in one sitting, putting you at risk of water intoxication.
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