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Mushrooms May Help Lower the Risk of Depression: Here’s Why


Mushrooms May Help Lower the Risk of Depression: Here’s Why

Not only are mushrooms a nutritious food to eat, they may also be beneficial to your mental health, according to a group of Penn State College of Medicine researchers.

In a new study, the Penn State team reported that people who consume mushrooms have a lower risk of developing depression.

Djibril Ba, lead researcher and a recent graduate from the epidemiology doctoral program at Penn State College of Medicine, said this may be due to the fact that mushrooms contain minerals such as potassium and the amino acid ergothioneine, which can lower the risk of anxiety and depression.

“Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant present in high levels in mushrooms, can only be obtained through dietary sources,” Ba told Healthline.

He said mushrooms are the largest dietary source of ergothioneine.

“Having high levels of ergothioneine in the body may help to prevent oxidative stress, which is known to play a significant role in the development of various neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression,” Ba noted.

According to background information given in the research paper, mushrooms also contain other substances, such as vitamin B12, nerve growth factor, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory agents, that have been linked to reduced anxiety.


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